Monday, January 13, 2014

Green Tea ....Health and Beauty Benefits

Green Tea ....Health and Beauty Benefits

There are so many amazing benefits to drinking green tea...even a few times daily! It is full of antioxidants and polyphenols. The polyphenols are thought to aid in weight loss, while the antioxidants help regulate the amount of free radicals in the system which eventually weaken the skin. The anti-inflammatory properties are also another great reason to drink this every day. Inflammation is now thought (by current scientific studies being done) to be one of the leading causes of many different disease states, ranging from cancer to heart disease. I think these are all great reasons to really make a point to drink green tea daily. I buy the decaf kind (which is supposedly not as good for you as the caffeinated version because of a decrease in the flavanol-a type of polyphenol) but I am a nervous wreck when I drink caffeine so I can't do it..Add a little honey if you like it sweet, ice it, or add lemon...:)